Sunday, August 2, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
Raw Food and Skin Health
What’s the largest organ in your body? It’s your skin! It provides a protective covering for the other organs of the body. It changes to regulate your internal body temperature. And it’s a good indicator of overall health and well-being.
People spend thousands of dollars on skin preparations to make your skin look vibrant and glowing. They’re all topical products – products that we put on top of our skin. But if we spent just a fraction of the money we spend on these preparations on RAW FOODS, we’d begin to see an immediate change in the texture of our skin.
When you eat raw foods, you put more of the essential vitamins and amino acids your body needs into it. You’re also adding moisture – naturally. Raw foods have a much higher moisture content than cooked foods, simply because the cooking process takes out so much essential moisture.
Your skin is a mirror of what’s going on in the rest of your body. And when your organs and blood are fed the nutrition they need to function properly, that shows in your skin. Get your vitamins and moisture from foods like apples and carrots. When you do, then phrases like “inner beauty” and “inner glow” will be applied to YOU. Your skin is what’s presented to the rest of the world and healthy, glowing skin makes the best first impression.
When you start adding raw foods to your diet, things will just naturally fall into place. You’ll feel better. You’ll look better. People will react to you more positively. You’ll have so much more energy for your work, your friends, and your family. And this kind of energy is a self-perpetuating thing. You don’t need self-help books and expensive moisturizers and plastic surgery. When your body and skin are getting their essential nutrition with raw, uncooked foods, you’ll look and feel your best, NATURALLY!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Why Some Vegans Do Not Wear Wool
Many vegans quit eating meat, eggs, milk, honey, and yeast
for one very specific reason: they have a deep reverence
for all living things and subsequently want to prevent
all living things from suffering on their behalf.
This reverence for all living things drives some vegans
to what nonvegetarians might consider extremes. Some live
greatly restricted lives, but for a noble cause: to
prevent suffering and death wherever possible.
In addition to preventing death and suffering through
dietary selections, some vegans have vow to prevent it
in all other capacities.
For instance, some vegans do not wear wool because they
believe it contributes to animal suffering.
These vegans often cite how scientists have bred sheep
over the years to generate unnatural amounts of wool for
human needs. This breeding has resulted in the Merino
sheep of today, which often has enough wool to equal its
body weight.
As a result of this counter-evolutionary trait, the Merino
sheep that exists today often has far more wool than it
needs, which is evidenced by the high amount of sheep that
die of heat exhaustion. In addition to overheating
in hot temperatures, many sheep end up freezing to
death after they are sheared.
The wool shearing process can also cause quite a bit
of suffering for the sheep. Almost a quarter of all wool
sheared from sheep is "skin wool," which is so close to
the sheep’s skin that it is actually must be torn off.
If you currently are a vegetarian for ethical reasons,
take some time to consider whether or not wearing wool
compromises your commitment to end or at least stop
contributing to animal suffering.
For some vegetarians, wearing wool is just as bad as
eating meat; and for others, it simply isn’t an issue
because they do not believe it causes an unreasonable
amount of suffering. Which are you?
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Why Vegans Don't Eat Eggs
As a prospective vegan, you may be wondering exactly
why vegans make the dietary choices they make. And you
may also be hesitant to adopt these choices until you
yourself understand and accept them.
In this article, I will explain the two major vegetarian
positions on eating eggs to help you make your decision.
The sub-category of vegetarian I will cover,
ovo-vegetarians, accept the normal consumption of eggs
because they do not believe that doing so conflicts
with an ethical vegetarian diet. They do not see eggs
as living things and subsequently do not make the
connection between consuming eggs and causing animal
suffering or death.
In addition to this, many ovo-vegetarians see complete
veganism as limiting their options unnecessarily,
especially when eggs are an excellent source of complete
protein and a viable nutritional alternative to meat.
Many vegetarians who do consume eggs opt for "free range"
eggs over normal--or "battery"--eggs. This is usually out
of ethical concern for the treatment of egg-laying hens.
Vegans, by contrast, do not consume eggs normally and
generally oppose the institution altogether. They argue
that purchasing "battery hen" eggs supports an institution
that cages up to nine birds together, debeaks them, and
forces them to continually lay eggs until they are calcium
-depleted and on the verge of death--at which point, they
are slaughtered.
In addition, vegans also go further to disapprove of
"free range" eggs, which do not require a hen to be caged.
They argue that most free range hens are actually packed
into houses, where they have minimal access to the outside.
They also note that even producing "free range" eggs
requires having fertile eggs--half of which will hatch into
male chicks, which will then be slaughtered after birth or
fed to a certain weight only to be culled.
In addition to these two positions, there are also
vegetarians who don’t consume eggs for other reasons. Some
of these vegetarians don’t eat eggs because they are high
in cholesterol; and others do not consume them because they
believe that the animal farming institution contributes to
environmental degradation.
Take some time to determine where you stand--ethically
and nutritionally--and then make your decision from there.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Why Vegans Don't Consume Dairy Products
As with most dietary questions, vegans are split
on the issue of dairy products--not so much on the question
of whether or not they are acceptable, but instead for what
reasons they should not be consumed.
All vegans (or at least true vegans) abstain from consuming
dairy products. Some do so for nutritional reasons;
others abstain for ethical reasons.
Those who do it for nutritional reasons cite a range of
health problems related to the consumption of dairy
products, including high cholesterol. Many also have a
problem digesting lactose or have a blood-iron or diabetic
problem related to milk protein, casein. In addition to
this, milk and cheese often contain small portions of
undesirable hormones that are added to dairy cow feeds
to increase production.
Those who abstain from consuming dairy products for
ethical reasons also have a range of reasons for doing so.
Some cite the poor treatment of dairy cows as a main
reason for not consuming milk and cheese. They note that
dairy cows are forced to become pregnant once each
year to maintain a constantly high yield of milk.
They are also fed numerous steroids
to increase production.
Others who abstain for ethical reasons often cite the
maltreatment of dairy cow offspring. They note that calves
are not allowed to spend time with or suckle from the
mother, but instead are prematurely removed to be reared
for either veal production, beef production, or as
replacement dairy cows.
The calves selected for "veal" production are often forced
to live in crates so tiny that they cannot turn around.
They must face in one direction; they cannot groom
themselves; and they are fed hormone-laden feed until
they are sent off to be slaughtered.
If you are a prospective vegan, you may want to take
some time now to think about what is best for you.
Ask yourself whether you wanted to become a vegan for
ethical reasons, dietary reasons, or both. And from
there, determine whether or not these arguments were
strong enough to compel you to do so. Either way, you
should emerge with a stronger viewpoint and a better
understanding of what you do and do not want.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
How To Make A Vegan Cake
Do you have a strict vegan in the family who
has a birthday or celebration coming up that traditionally
calls for cake? If you’re not familiar with vegan dietary
practices, you might not know what vegans do not eat.
Even worse, you might have no idea how to replace what
they do not eat.
But don't worry. In a few short paragraphs, I’ll explain
exactly what you need to make the perfect cake
for your vegan friend or relative. And best of all, no one
will be able to taste the difference.
Let’s start with what strict vegans do not eat.
They do not eat eggs. They do not drink milk.
They don’t eat certain types of sugar. They don’t
eat butter. And they don’t eat frosting.
Eggs can be replaced by "EnerG Egg Replacer," which you
can purchase at many grocery stores. The box will explain
how much replacer to use per egg.
Cow’s milk can be replaced by organic rice milk, which
doesn’t contain any animal byproducts. You can buy rice
milk at your local grocery store, too.
Many vegans do not consume sugar, either, because it is
often whitened by animal bone char. You can avoid sugar
that is whitened by bone char by purchasing "unbleached"
sugar, sugar in the raw, or beet sugar. There are some cane
sugars, too, which were not whitened using bone char,
but they hard to distinguish from others, unless you know
the exact name brand.
Strict vegans will not eat food made with butter, either.
If your cake recipe calls for butter, you can simply
replace it with margarine or vegetable shortening.
In addition to butter, sugar, milk, and eggs, strict
vegans also will not eat dairy frosting. If your recipe
calls for frosting, you can look for a similar flavor of
"non-dairy" frosting or you can make your own, replacing
butter with margarine.
And there you have it: an ingredient replacement key
for your vegan cake. Simply follow the key, replace vegan
-unfriendly items on your recipe, and your cake will be
perfectly fit for even the strictest vegetarian!
Friday, July 3, 2015
Vegetarian and Osteoporosis
You know that eating a vegetarian diet can decrease the incidence of heart disease and certain types of cancers. You also know that it can make you leaner and healthier. But so many of the health studies are done on men? What about women and the impact of a vegetarian diet on their health as they age?
Diets that are high in protein, especially animal protein, tend to cause the body to excrete more calcium, oxalate, and uric acid. These three substances are the main components of urinary tract stones. British researchers have advised that persons with a tendency to form kidney stones should follow a vegetarian diet. The American Academy of Family Physicians notes that high animal protein intake is largely responsible for the high prevalence of kidney stones in the United States and other developed countries and recommends protein restriction for the prevention of recurrent kidney stones.
For many of the same reasons, vegetarians are at a lower risk for osteoporosis. Since animal products force calcium out of the body, eating meat can promote bone loss. In nations with mainly vegetable diets (and without dairy product consumption), osteoporosis is less common than in the U.S., even when calcium intake is also less than in the U.S. Calcium is important, but there is no need to get calcium from dairy products.
We continue to consume meat, while at the same time downing calcium supplements and prescription drugs to prevent osteoporosis, that often have drastic side effects. And most experts agree that calcium supplements are inferior to calcium derived from natural food sources. Doesn’t it make more sense (and cents) to get your calcium from eating a healthier diet?
What are some good vegetarian sources of calcium? Orange juice, for one. Dry beans, such as black-eyed peas, kidney beans and black beans are another good source, as are dark leafy vegetables such as broccoli and kale. Tofu is also a good source of calcium.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Vegan and your Weight
Think about it, have you ever seen a fat vegetarian? Probably not. In fact, for most of us, vegetarian is almost synonymous with lean and healthy, isn’t it? And when you start any diet, what’s the first thing the experts tell you? Generally it’s to increase the amounts of vegetables you’re eating and to eat limited amounts of meat, especially high-fat red meat and pork.
And what happens when you resume your old eating habits? Generally the weight will come right back on. Even the greatest will-power can’t overcome the unhealthy effects of eating high-fat meat.
When you eat a diet that’s higher in dietary fiber, that’s primarily if not totally vegetarian, you’re naturally healthier. You’re feeding your body and getting it the nutrition it needs to run efficiently. You have more energy and stamina; you wake up more easily and more refreshed. It’s easier to exercise, because you’re not so weighed down by digesting the high fat and excessive protein that comes from eating a carnivorous diet.
Many diets fail because we think of them as depriving ourselves of food we love. The trick is to change that thinking. There are so many compelling reasons to eliminate meat from our diet, so why not forget about losing weight? Focus instead on eating healthier, or eating in a way that’s in balance with the earth, and that doesn’t need to subsist on the suffering of animals. You’ll probably find you’ll start to lose weight without even thinking about it!
And when you do lose weight, so many other health risks can fall by the wayside as well. You’ll find your blood pressure falls into a healthier range and your risk for Type II diabetes can decrease. You’ll look better and feel better and probably never go back to your old ways of eating!
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Vegan helps Bowels and stomach digestion
Many of the health benefits derived from a vegetarian diet have to do with creating a healthy environment in the bowels and stomach. Our digestive systems, from prehistory on, were designed to metabolize vegetable matter, more than animal products. Fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts provide the kind of dietary fiber our digestive systems need to function properly. The Western diet that’s high in processed and refined flour and sugar, and in animal products that are laden with hormones and antibiotics, are actually anathema to our insides.
When the digestive system doesn’t function and work as it’s intended to, that leads to opportunistic diseases or changes in the DNA of cells in the stomach and colon. And there are more practical considerations as well. When we don’t get enough of the fiber we need, we incur a host of digestion and elimination problems, such as constipation and hemorrhoids that are a result of straining. These diseases and syndromes are much less evident in a vegetarian population than in a meat-eating population.
Other diseases of the bowel that occur less frequently in a vegetarian population include irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic ulcerative colitis, mostly likely due to the increased fiber content in a vegetarian diet. And of course a diet that’s higher in dietary fiber that comes from a vegetarian diet will decrease the likelihood or risk of colon cancer.
When you consider the risks that come with a diet that includes meat and animal products, and the benefits that come from a vegetarian diet, does the prospect of a steak or burger or bacon really sound that good to you? Doesn’t it at least make sense to reverse the portion sizes and proportions of meats to vegetables and side dishes? In other words, if you must continue to eat meat, then make meat your side dish, or just incidental to your meal, such as in a stir fry. Increasing the proportion of fruits and vegetables in your diet can only be good for you.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Vegetarians and cancer
You might have a general idea that eating a vegetarian diet is more healthy for you. But do you really know how much less the incidence is of certain types of cancers among vegetarians?
Vegetarian diets—naturally low in saturated fat, high in fiber, and replete with cancer-protective phytochemicals—help to prevent cancer. Large studies in England and Germany have shown that vegetarians are about 40 percent less likely to develop cancer compared to meat-eaters. In the U.S., studies of Seventh-Day Adventists, who are largely lacto-ovo vegetarians, have shown significant reductions in cancer risk among those who avoided meat. Similarly, breast cancer rates are dramatically lower in nations, such as China, that follow plant-based diets. Interestingly, Japanese women who follow Western-style, meat-based diets are eight times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who follow a more traditional plant-based diet. Meat and dairy products contribute to many forms of cancer, including cancer of the colon, breast, ovaries, and prostate.
Harvard studies that included tens of thousands of women and men have shown that regular meat consumption increases colon cancer risk by roughly 300 percent. High-fat diets also encourage the body’s production of estrogens. Increased levels of this sex hormone have been linked to breast cancer. A recent report noted that the rate of breast cancer among premenopausal women who ate the most animal (but not vegetable) fat was one-third higher than that of women who ate the least animal fat. A separate study from Cambridge University also linked diets high in saturated fat to breast cancer. One study linked dairy products to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. The process of breaking down the lactose (milk sugar) evidently damages the ovaries. Daily meat consumption triples the risk of prostate enlargement. Regular milk consumption doubles the risk and failure to consume vegetables regularly nearly quadruples the risk.
Vegetarians avoid the animal fat linked to cancer and get abundant fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals that help to prevent cancer. In addition, blood analysis of vegetarians reveals a higher level of “natural killer cells,” specialized white blood cells that attack cancer cells.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Vegetarians and heart disease
No matter what your reasons for eating a more vegetarian diet, there’s no denying the obvious health benefits that are derived from the elimination of red meat from your diet. On average, vegetarians have lower levels of the blood fats, cholesterol and triglycerides than meat eaters of similar age and social status have. High levels of blood fats are associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Lacto-ovo vegetarians, those who eat eggs and dairy products, which contain cholesterol-raising saturated fats and cholesterol, have higher cholesterol levels than do vegans, as those who abstain from all animal foods are called. But even among lacto-ovo vegetarians, cholesterol levels are generally lower than they are among meat eaters.
Researchers have found that older men who eat meat six or more times a week are twice as likely to die of heart disease as those who abstain from meat. Among middle-aged men, meat eaters were four times more likely to suffer a fatal heart attack, according to the study. As for women, who are partly protected by their hormones and generally develop heart disease later in life than men do, the risk of fatal heart disease has been found to be lower only among the older vegetarians. In a 1982 study of more than 10,000 vegetarians and meat eaters, British researchers found that the more meat consumed, the greater the risk of suffering a heart attack. Though eliminating meat from the diet is likely to reduce your consumption of heart-damaging fats and cholesterol, substituting large amounts of high-fat dairy products and cholesterol-rich eggs can negate the benefit. To glean the heart-saving benefits of vegetarianism, consumption of such foods as hard cheese, cream cheese, ice cream and eggs should be moderate. And the introduction of more vegetables, fruits and raw foods will definitely enhance the benefits of abstaining from eating meat.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Different types of vegetarians
Many people think of vegetarians as one homogeneous group that just doesn’t eat meat. But nothing could be further from the truth. There are different categories of vegetarians as diverse as the reasons for going vegetarian in the first place.
A vegetarian is generally defined as someone who doesn’t eat meat. But someone who is vegetarian could conceivably eat dairy products such as milk, eggs and cheese. A lacto ovo vegetarian doesn’t eat meat, fish or poultry, but does consume eggs, milk or cheese. A lacto vegetarian consumes milk and cheese products, but doesn’t consume eggs.
A vegan is someone who doesn’t consume any animal product or by-product, including dairy food. They eat only vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and legumes. They also don’t use animal products, such as leather. Vegans also don’t use white sugar because it’s often processed with a substance derived from animal bones that whitens the sugar.
There are other categories within the vegetarian community. Fruitarians, for example, eat only fruit. Their rationale is that fruits, including fruits such as tomatoes, are self-perpetuating and don’t need to be planted to create the food source. They consider it a way of eating that’s most in balance and harmony with the earth, the most natural.
All of the above will eat cooked vegetables, fruits and legumes. There is also a growing movement towards eating only raw or living foods. This based on the assumption that cooking food processes most of the nutrients out of it, and to get all the nutritional value, vitamins and amino acids from food, it’s best consumed raw, or juiced. If cooked at all, it should only be cooked to slightly over 100 degrees, so the nutrients are still retained.
The more restrictive you become with your diet, however, the more educated you need to become to be sure you’re getting all the necessary proteins and vitamins that you need to maintain good health, especially muscle and heart health.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Why switch to vegetarianism
If you’ve eaten meat and animal products your whole life, you might think, why switch to a vegetarian diet? You’ve lived your whole life eating eggs, hamburgers, hot dogs, poultry, so why switch now?
There could be many reasons to switch. Start by looking in the mirror. Are you at a healthy weight? Do you look and feel good most of the time? Do you wake up energized? Or do you wake up tired and sluggish?
How is your general health? Is your blood pressure within a healthy range? Are your cholesterol and blood sugar ranges normal? If they’re not, consider what you’re eating on a daily basis.
How do you feel after eating? Do you feel energized, as if you’ve fed your body what it needs? Or are you tired and dragged out? Do you often need a nap after eating? Is that what food is supposed to do for us, make us tired and sleepy?
Not really. Food should nourish and feed the body and leave us energized and refreshed. The human body is a machine and needs fuel that keeps it running in peak condition. When we’re fat, with high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, high cholesterol and other unhealthy conditions, it’s like a car engine that hasn’t been tuned or isn’t running on the optimal type of gasoline it needs to run efficiently. Your body is the same way. It needs the right kind of fuel to run at peak efficiency, and when you’re eating high-fat meat, or meat that’s been fed antibiotics throughout its life, that’s simply not the kind of fuel the human body evolved to run on.
Try eating vegetarian for a week or a month. See if you don’t feel different, more mentally acute and more physically fit and energized. At least reverse the portion sizes you’ve been eating, and make meat more of a side dish, if you can’t stop eating meat altogether. Even that change can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
You are what you eat
You’ve certainly heard the expression many times, “You are what you eat.” Have you ever really thought about what it means? And do you think about it when you’re making food choices?
In some ways, we do become what we eat, literally. Have you ever seen an example of your blood plasma after eating a fast food hamburger? What was previously a clear liquid becomes cloudy with the fat and cholesterol that’s absorbed from eating a high-fat hamburger.
And when you think about it, we also become what we don’t eat. When we switch from eating meat to a vegetarian-based diet, we become less fat, less prone to many types of cancers. Our cholesterol can improve. When we’re leaner and eating fewer animal products, then many other health and fitness issues are reduced. The incidence of Type II diabetes is reduced. Blood pressure falls into normal ranges. When you’re healthier, you’re taking fewer medications. Even if you have a prescription drug benefit in your health plan, you’re still saving money with fewer co-payments on medications.
If you have a family history of high cholesterol or high blood pressure, then it’s particularly incumbent on you to revise your eating habits. Moving towards a more vegetarian diet has been shown statistically to reduce the incidence of so many of the diseases of industrialized countries. Vegetarians are statistically healthier than omnivorous persons; they’re leaner and live longer.
Isn’t it time to think about what you want to be and to eat accordingly? Do you want to be sluggish and fat? Do you want the risk that goes with eating animal products, with their high fat content? Or do you want to look like and be what vegetarians are? Leaner and fitter with a longer anticipated lifespan. It’s never too late to change what you’re doing and increase your chances for a longer, fitter life.
Monday, June 8, 2015
Top Tips for Vegan Cooking
In the beginning, you might discover that Vegan cooking is more of a pain and hassle than it is a benefit. If you discover yourself in this position, you are not alone. However, there is help available for you. Taking some time to really look over all of your options is best to ensure that you are able to get the biggest benefit possible from the healthier lifestyle. Vegan cooking is something that will typically require you to think carefully as well as plan ahead, in this spirit it is extremely important to be sure that you are getting everything planned out ahead of time to ensure you have what you need.
One of the biggest suggestions to get the biggest benefit is to look into cooking with the fruits and vegetables that you like the most. If you have a serious objection to eating okra for example you should never dash out and look for a stack of okra recipes. Instead, you need to focus on the recipes that involve ingredients that you like. Of course, a bit of trying new foods is always good, but building a base of foods that you like is a great starting point.
To ensure that your new Vegan diet is as affordable as possible you need to look for fruits and vegetables that are in season to cook. If you are constantly having to purchase expensive fruits and vegetables for your meals you will quickly discover that your budget is blown far before it is time to even work on the next months budget. Spreading your money around as much as possible will demand that you buy only foods that are in season as much as possible.
If you are truly interested in living the ultimate Vegan lifestyle, it is time to start investing in a garden for your house. You do not need to dedicate acres of space to the garden, but a small area to raise at least the basic vegetables would be considered essential. If you can spare some additional space to add some more vegetables then go right ahead, however never feel as if a garden is wasted if you only have a few feet. To start with you need to look towards tomatoes and even peppers. These are both extremely easy to grow, take very little space and can save a bundle of money. Having your own fresh vegetables to eat is a huge perk.
Look for ways to save as much money as possible. If you are going to embrace a Vegan lifestyle, you should reap all of the benefits. This means looking for some pick your own farms, which will allow you to pick your own produce at a significant savings. If you are only buying small batches of produce you will discover that it can quickly turn expensive. Purchasing larger supplies can provide you ample stock to enjoy fresh foods as well as allow you to can or freeze additional supplies to have for the off-season months.
A final suggestion to follow as you are getting started with Vegan cooking is to look for some great cooking classes designed to start teaching from the very basics. This will allow you to learn numerous ways to cook without the problem of your meals tasting plain and boring. If you are truly interested in exploring a delicious Vegan lifestyle then the cooking classes are something that you will have to venture into. An alternative to the classes would be to stop by a friend’s house and get some cooking tips from them, this however is only effective if your friend is also a Vegan and can teach you some of the best tips and tricks for retaining flavor and producing delicious meals. Working to live a healthy lifestyle does not involve boring meals that you suffer through; rather with some practice you can create truly remarkable dishes.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Starting Children with Vegan
Most of the time when you hear of someone changing to a vegan diet you typically think of adults. Have you ever stopped to consider how many children change to vegan each year as well? Most people tend to easily forget about the children who make the transition and this is perfectly normal. The adults are typically who receive the most attention but there are some unique issues that kids tend to have which can be assisted. Getting your child to successfully convert to a vegan diet is possible, but with a few tips in hand, it will be much easier than you imagined.
The actual age of your child will have a huge impact on how simple the process is. Of course, if you are starting with a very young baby they are not going to know what they are missing. However, older children and even teenagers can be extremely stubborn and difficult to accepting change. This means you might need to attempt at bribery in order to have them look at vegan as a great opportunity. If your child has been raised accustomed to meat and other animal products for years it is best to start slowly omitting these foods from their normal diet. Making a sudden change that is drastic will almost always find kids rebelling and quite unhappy.
You should also take a few minutes to sit down with the children to explain what you are doing, plus how it can help the animals. This small amount of information is often all that is needed in order to really get the desired impact from many kids. For other children this could be a cause of disaster. Try to consider the exact personality of your child before taking this step to ensure that it will be a wise move for your situation.
Another key element is looking for ways to really involve your child. If you ask for their advice on picking out fruits and vegetables that they enjoy you will find that they are much more receptive to the change. However, if you instead are busy forcing them to accept the new diet you will again be met with large amounts of resistance and a lot of stress. Getting your child excited about the change is something that will really help to smooth the entire process.
You should also look for some specific chores that your child can do. From helping to select some meals for the menu to assisting you with shopping to even doing research for new recipes. If your child feels as if they are involved and have a specific say in the meals that are prepared they are more likely to be open minded to the new foods that you want them to try. Simply putting dishes on the table that your child has never seen before is not likely to get a great response after a while.
It is also important to remember to go slow. Not all children handle change very well. If your child is like this you should certainly expect to go very slow. Taking the time to move at your child’s comfort will help to ensure that you avoid as much additional stress as possible during the complicated transition period. Proving to your child that you understand how they feel will help you to significantly improve your overall household experience as well.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Should Children Eat Vegan?
With so many people around the world adopting a Vegan lifestyle, it is no wonder that a lot of parents are starting to ensure that their children are raised to eat a Vegan diet as well. If you find yourself trying to determine whether a Vegan lifestyle is suitable for your children you are certainly not alone. Each year there are thousands of people who switch to Vegan diets and children are included in this frequently. I you are completely confused it is best to talk to your doctor but in general most children do quite well with a Vegan diet as long as a few precautions are considered.
Your first step should be taking a good look at all of your nutritional knowledge. If you have a poor knowledge of nutrition then it will be extremely difficult for you to determine if you are capable to meet your child’s nutritional needs. While most parents worry about giving their children adequate nutrition if you feed your child a Vegan diet, it is even more important because many nutrients can be easily overlooked if you are not meticulous in your nutritional pursuit.
If you are not certain exactly what your child needs nutritionally it is time to enroll in either a nutritional class or start looking online for some clear information on exactly what you need to focus on for your children. A proper emphasis on nutrition will allow your children to eat a Vegan diet while still getting all of the nutrients that are needed. It is extremely important to watch nutritional intake closely, many beginner Vegans do tend to overlook and skip over essential nutrients that are critical to basic nutrition. If you are determined to live a Vegan lifestyle then frequently a vitamin supplement is extremely helpful.
It is extremely important to ensure that you are encouraging children to eat plenty of delicious foods. Many children tend to shy away from eating ample fruits and vegetables in normal life, however if you are encouraging a healthy lifestyle of Vegan eating you will need to ensure that children are consuming enough fruits and vegetables to give them ample nutrients. This is not always easy to do, particularly if your children are in the habit of consuming meats. However, if you start your children with a Vegan lifestyle in the beginning as your baby is first starting to eat solid foods you will find that it is much easier to do.
Many parents discover that children trying to give up meat is much harder to do and complete than anything else that they have ever tried to do. This is a sad reality but many children do not handle change well. Even something as small as what they are used to eating can create a huge chaotic problem, in order to assure that you are getting the best results possible you should work to enlist the help of your children rather than trying to force them to eat a diet that they are not fond of. Small things such as a positive attitude can have a huge impact when it comes time to actually ensure that you are giving your children the benefits that they really need.
A proper venture into a Vegan diet can allow your children to eat exactly as you are eating without any major problems and complications. However, it is also important to realize that you are providing your children with ample nutritional supplements to fully protect them from nutritional deficiencies. Small problems in nutritional habits can become huge complications if you are attempting a Vegan lifestyle without properly paying attention to the special needs that you are likely to have. A well-planned lifestyle can effectively allow you to incorporate a Vegan lifestyle for even children while still staying healthy. There is no reason why you should feel as if you must feed your children meats in order for them to be healthy, a bit of time and effort can resolve all deficiencies.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Reasons to Avoid Vegan Cooking
If the idea of eating healthy has crossed your mind at some point, you are likely wondering exactly how a Vegan lifestyle would help you. This is a lifestyle that crosses the minds of thousands of people each year in addition to the millions who are already eating strictly Vegan. With a large bit of effort, there are plenty of benefits that Vegan eating can provide, but have you ever stopped to consider some of the negative complications that are possible as well? For many people each year it is just not worth the hassle to eat Vegan and many people do not understand why. In order to start to understand we shall dive into some of the problems with Vegan eating and take a peek.
One of the biggest problems with a Vegan lifestyle is the absence of meat. While many people around the world really desire to do better for the environment the draw and attraction of a well prepared steak or a delicious hamburger is simply too much temptation to avoid. If you find yourself in this position there is little that you can really do to get away from meat. You have to really want to move away from eating meat in order to be successful. A Vegan lifestyle is not something that you can commit to if you are in the habit of eating steak or other meats continuously.
If we have to be brutally honest with ourselves, we have to admit that our lives are busier now than they ever have been before. This means that frequently we find ourselves pulling up to the drive through of our favorite fast food restaurant and ordering something that is prepared hurriedly for us to eat. If you are trying to live a Vegan lifestyle it can be extremely difficult to plan out your life so that you can avoid these restaurants, after all avoiding meat at a fast food restaurant is difficult. If you are able to plan your routine to avoid eating out as much as possible you will find it substantially easier to enjoy a Vegan lifestyle.
Many children are not keen upon change. This is something that parents have tried for years to change. It never fails, if you have something that you really want to do, your child will fight you on it. Trying to force them to change even further seems to only lead to more frustration. Working with your child to make smaller changes might be necessary but some parents are not willing to do this. If you find that you are not interested in allowing your child to have a serious say over what they are eating it might be a good idea to look for some ways to live together and exist happily together at the dinner table.
Other problems that are frequently occurred is the lack of desire to eat vegetables. If you are like most families, you probably do not eat as many vegetables as you should. This can make things extremely complicated when it is time to start giving up meat entirely. If you find yourself skimping on the vegetables on your plate, you are very much likely to discover that it is difficult for you to start heaping your plate full of veggies when the time comes. If however you are one of the first people in line to always pile up with different types of veggies for each meal then you might discover that a Vegan lifestyle is not as difficult or complex as you might have thought.
Working to create a new lifestyle for yourself is not always easy. Taking some time to really determine the best course of action for yourself is always best. If you get in a huge rush and start pushing through before you really have time to make the smaller changes you will see that it is even harder. Small changes are usually best, even if this is not necessarily what you are most interested in.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Places to Locate Vegan Foods
Trying to change your entire dietary habits might sound a bit frightening but for most people it is not that scary. What is really scary is trying to determine which foods are acceptable to eat and which are prohibited. Working through these issues also tends to bring up the questions about where you can even find proper vegan foods as well. These are issues that tends to occur for everyone who is looking to switch to a Vegan lifestyle and is certainly not something that you are likely to skip over yourself.
The majority of people simply do not realize that Vegan is just a more advanced form of vegetarian eating. This means that unlike what you are likely thinking purchasing foods that are vegan friendly is actually quite simple. You perhaps were thinking that the local health store was going to be the only place to shop, and which this is always an option it is certainly not a requirement. Most vegans are able to easily do their shopping at the same places that everyone else shops, the only differences are the foods in the buggy, rather than the places to actually shop.
The standard grocery store is still frequently a favorite for vegans. Going here is great because it will allow you to quickly and easily handle the majority of your grocery shopping at an extremely affordable price. However, you will typically find that you might be a bit tempted by the foods that you previously ate as well. This is common and does tend to wane after a bit of time. However, the standard grocery store is often the best place to get started since you already know the layout of the store where you typically shop.
If you have a local farmer’s market this is another great place to do some shopping. You can purchase a wide variety of fruits and vegetables here, which are extremely useful in the Vegan diet. The added benefit of this produce is they are typically grown locally as well, and often you can get organic produce as well. Reduced prices and locally grown makes these a great asset for many vegans.
You can also look towards your very own yard to obtain many of your foods. Growing your own food is always going to be one of the cheapest and least expensive ways to feed your family. A few minutes of your time every day tending to your garden will lower your grocery costs by thousands of dollars a year plus you will have the sense of pride that growing your own food brings. Adding this together with some other typical shopping methods will give you the biggest impact and allow the greatest variety as well.
As you can see, getting the foods you need for your vegan diet is not difficult nor complicated. A well thought out plan will have you well on your way to getting the process moving smoothly and with a least amount of effort. A vegan diet is not something that will break the bank, nor is it something that will require numerous trips to a specialty store in order for you to survive. Some planning ahead and a bit of effort to ensure a well balanced menu is all it will take to ensure you are still able to eat delicious meals that do not require extensive shopping.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Most Famous Vegan Celebrities
If you think that Vegan eating is something that only strange looking people who resemble the hippies from the 1960’s do you are quite wrong. There are a lot of very well known people who just happen to be successful vegans. What is quite surprising is that many of them are not well known for being vegan, but this is just further proof that just because you eat vegan does not mean you are going to become an outcast to the world.
There are several actors who are successful vegans. They include people such as Alicia Silverstone, Joaquin Phoenix, Lindsay Wagner, Natalie Portman, and even Pamela Anderson. As you can see, there are several very well known actors who are vegans. Pamela Anderson as well as Alicia Silverstone have both been very big supporters of the cause, but many tend to forget that Pamela is so involved. However, she has gone to some extreme lengths to speak out against cruelty against animals and has even recently voices displeasure with Kentucky Fried Chicken, the latest restaurant to draw her attention.
There are a lot of singers who are well known vegans as well. Starting with Brandy, Bryan Adams, Chrissie Hynde, Rikki Rocket, Rick Rubin and also Steve Jocz from Sum 41 and the unique and always entertaining Weird Al Yankovic. A final artist that is quite well known is the Artist formerly known as Prince. This is an amazing list of some extremely talented people who are all quite thrilled to enjoy a healthy vegan lifestyle.
This is certainly not all-inclusive though; after all, there are plenty of athletes that are active vegans as well. There is Sally Eastall an Olympic marathon runner, as well as Pat Reeves whom is a champion power lifter. Additionally there is also Judith Shakeshaft a champion mountain biker as well as runner. Additionally we also have Carl Lewis an athlete who are all able to stand up proudly and proclaim that they are vegans. While you may have never considered athletes to be the type to adopt a vegan lifestyle, it is rather obvious that vegans can come from all walks of life.
From famous actors and actresses to singers and even athletes there a lot of very well known people who are providing veganism with the positive publicity that it needs to encourage a show of respect. There are course plenty of other people who are active vegans as well, but this is a great way to see exactly who else happens to be a vegan that you are proud of. With all of the attention that celebrities receive it is refreshing to see many of them using their fame to help further a healthy cause such as vegan.
There are even many different politicians that are active vegans as well. As you can see, there are plenty of people to keep you company as you look around. The numbers of people who are practicing veganism are certainly growing and you are in the company of a wonderful group of people. Trying to make your own special mark on the world might seem impossible, but this group of celebrity vegans helps to prove that everyone is capable of making a difference. Even if they only inspire a single person with their own personal choice, it is still one additional person to join the vegans around the world.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Learning to Cook Vegan Successfully
Plenty of people every year decide to switch to a Vegan lifestyle. This means that you certainly are not alone when it comes time to break in some new dishes that you have been drying to try. However, it does mean that you are going to be rather amazed at some of the great unique dishes that are available to try out. Looking for several ways to get started cooking Vegan successfully is not always easy, but if you have some patience and a bit of time to really plan out a game plan you will find that it does not have to be as difficult as it might sound.
The very first step you need to take is a good accurate assessment of your current cooking skills. If the idea of walking into the kitchen to cook has you sweating profusely then you are again not alone, but it will mean that you need to come to terms with the kitchen. If your idea of cooking is running to the local take out and putting food on plates or even eating straight out of the box you will again need to come to terms with the kitchen. A vegan diet is possible, but while eating out is also possible it is not as healthy, nor will you find the same amount of options as you can prepare yourself at home.
Your next step is to determine how well you can actually cook vegetables. Many people think that vegetables have to be limp, boring and bland. This is actually far from the truth. Using several different cooking techniques, it is possible to make vegetables that actually taste good! Strange as it may sound, it really is possible and if you do not already know these methods you will need to learn them quickly.
You should also dedicate a bit of time to learning a few of the simplest recipes. These will serve you well when it comes time to throw a fast meal together so you are not late for a teacher’s conference or you have unexpected guests coming over. Of course, everybody wishes they had time to prepare a full three course meal but alas, this rarely happens so knowing a few fast delicious recipes is sure to safe you at some point or another. Just be very careful to stick to ingredients that are common in your house for these recipes so you do not have a collection of useless recipes with no ingredients.
Look into a couple of cooking classes. This will help you to really master the Vegan cooking lifestyle. Giving up meat is certainly not easy and while there are some great animal product substitutes available on the market learning how to properly cook them as well as ensure that they are prepared correctly is some valuable information. There is certainly no reason to sign up for dozens of lessons though, most people can easily get by on just 2 or even three fast lessons. Just enough time to really cover some basics without getting completely lost. Looking at this as a great learning adventure will allow you to get the biggest benefit possible, and you may even decide that you want to take some additional classes and further expand your vegan cooking skills.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Important Medical Considerations to Veganism
There are so many different dietary habits that you can pick out. There are also tons of different nutritional considerations that need to be taken into account as well. If you have ever tried to determine if a Vegan lifestyle is healthy you have no doubt wondered how you will get all of your nutrients. This is a common complication for many people but it is not impossible to adopt a Vegan lifestyle. You do need to be very careful though, especially in the beginning until the lifestyle becomes second nature to you so that you do not make a mistake of not consuming the proper nutrients.
What many people do not readily realize is that it is extremely important to get the best impact possible for your diet. If you are trying out a new diet then it is extremely important that you take some time to really determine what potential downfalls you might meet. For example, if you are turning to a Vegan lifestyle you are omitting all meat products from your diet. This will typically leave you with an extremely large lacking of several key nutrients. The biggest that you will be missing out on typically is protein. This is not impossible, but you can still come up with a solution by being fully aware of the problem and looking for additional sources of protein that are acceptable.
Other problems that people encounter when moving to a Vegan lifestyle is the lack of calcium as well as Vitamin D in their diet. Because there is no milk from cows consumed which is a very large source of calcium as well as yogurt, cheese and other dairy products. It is extremely important to ensure that you look for a multi-vitamin that will help you to replace the calcium that you are missing as well as look for foods that will help you to pick up some additional calcium as well.
It is very important that you consider all of the foods that you are purchasing. If you have the option of purchasing any items that are fortified with additional nutrients, it will be very important for your diet. These foods might cost a bit of additional money, but they will help to protect your health while you are learning how to eat a proper Vegan diet while still getting all of the nutrients that you need. If you try to miss out on some of the vital nutrients, it can cause fatigue as well as put you at risk for some serious health problems.
Many times, it is also a good idea to speak to your doctor before switching to a new diet to ensure that there are no special considerations you should take into account before you begin. A quick visit to the doctor is quite beneficial to ensure that you are healthy and making proper choices for your diet as well. Taking a risk with your health is never a wise idea and can lead to some significant problems, but if you are careful and do check with a doctor you will be in a much better position to start a Vegan lifestyle.
It is extremely important to track what you are eating and the nutritional content for the foods as well. This information will be extremely helpful when it is time to determine if you are getting all of the nutrients that you need. This will also allow you to quickly and easily determine any deficiencies that you have as well as start looking for ways to fix them before any serious health problems do develop. A small notebook will usually serve well to track your foods and still be small enough to carry with you. Just be absolutely certain that you are consuming a wide variety of foods in order to get the widest variety of nutrients possible. Waiting until you are experiencing some serious health problems will typically find you suffering extreme problems that could have been avoided.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Getting Started as a Vegan
Trying to create a new eating habit and switch to Veganism is something that more people are attempting to do each year. From a lifestyle that used to be quite uncommon, it has grown into a much more popular option and is finding a massive amount of support in all walks of life. People who work two jobs, people who live in multi-million dollar houses and even the rebelling teenager down the block are all likely to be vegans at this point. With so many people turning to veganism it is no doubt that you have wondered exactly what it would mean for yourself as well.
Most people think that veganism is exactly like vegetarianism. However, this is actually highly incorrect; they are two completely separate ideas that only share a few similarities. Typically speaking vegetarianism is a much easier lifestyle to adopt and is much less rigid. Vegan is much stricter and can be much harder for someone to change to on a quick basis. This can make it extremely complicated to actually change to vegan living immediately.
In order to get the biggest benefits out of living as a vegan it is very important to follow all of the guidelines. This means avoiding all foods and food products that include animals, or are made from animal parts. This includes meat, honey, milk, eggs, cheese, yogurt and other similar products. A true Vegan diet will consist on massive quantities of breads, vegetables, fruits, pastas and other similar foods. This can be an extremely different diet for someone to adopt that is used to eating large quantities of meat and could be a bit difficult at first.
Working to make some slow changes is typically recommended to make the entire process as simple as possible. Of course, the idea of a single massive change might sound easier, but in reality this is typically a lot harder and is associated with a substantially increase risk of failing to really follow through with the vegan lifestyle. Rather the smaller changes are better since they will lay the foundation for permanent changes.
Not everyone finds the process of switching to Vegan to be a disaster. There are some people who do switch to the new diet with no problems or complications at all. However, typically the people who switch the easiest will generally be those who consume small amounts of meat and other animal products on a normal basis. This makes it much easier for them to adopt the new lifestyle with the fewest amount of complication. If you discover that you are having a problem adjusting to the new dietary requirements you should always take some time to see if there are any small changes you can make to your life to make things easier.
These small changes might seem really minor but they can potentially help you substantially. Waiting until you have completely failed the diet can be a crushing experience. Seeking out as much help as possible as quickly as possible is instead a fabulous way to proceed and is typically quite easy to do. A few minutes of your time is all that is required, the results are well worth the effort and you will be glad you took that time as well. Your new Vegan lifestyle awaits you, as long as you are able to manage the transition.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Foods to Avoid to Eat Vegan
Have you ever heard the expression Vegan? Many people are confused exactly where the phrase came from and even more people are confused about exactly what is available to eat if they wanted to attempt a vegan lifestyle. To learn the food groups that are permitted for a vegan it is extremely important to understand that there are still important food groups that should not be avoided; your best friends will quickly become fruits and vegetables. These are by far some of the biggest contributors to a vegan diet and will help you to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients necessary.
With so many people spending an abundance of time focusing on the foods that you can eat when you are a vegan it is also important to start spending some time really looking over some of the foods that you cannot eat. This list can be extremely eye opening to a large number of people who might not otherwise realize many of the restrictions that occur for people who are trying to follow a Vegan diet. In order to really gain the biggest benefit it is important to know upfront that you will need to spend a bit of time reading all of the labels that your food has to ensure you are aware of what you are consuming.
Most people are aware that there are several different levels of vegetarianism. The first is of course standard vegetarian, this is the people who do not eat any meats, dairy products, poultry and finally fish. This is seen as an extremely strict eating habit, but to lighten up a bit there is the lacto-ovo vegetarians. These are people whom consumer dairy products and also eggs but still omit meat from their diets. A lacto vegetarian only consumes dairy products and an ovo vegetarian will consume eggs but not any dairy products. In contrast, a Vegan will consume no animal products and will also avoid all animal products as well.
Vegans have to avoid foods such as honey due to it being made by bees, gelatin which is made from meat byproducts and also different clothing that is made from animal products such as silk, wool and also leather to name a few. This is of course not an all-inclusive list however. There are plenty of other types of foods that must be avoided as well, including things such as cheese, pizza, lasagna, and other foods that include animal products. This might seem frightening for a beginning vegan but fear not.
With the ever growing list of foods that have to be avoided, there are also plenty of foods created that are fine for vegans to consume. The availability of many types of vegan safe foods means that a large number of consumers are able to expand their options beyond what was previously a very small list of foods. This also means that it is possible to eat out much more often than previously as well, however it is still extremely important to remember that regardless of whether you are trying to eat out or just go grocery shopping you need to be fully aware of what is involved in each dish and item in order to determine if it is going to fit into your vegan lifestyle.
While it is sometimes going to take some additional effort to make appropriate selections, it is very much worth the time and effort that you put into it. Living a vegan lifestyle is certainly not easy in today’s society; however, it is certainly not something that is impossible. A bit of time and effort can allow you to live a successful vegan lifestyle while avoiding the foods and items that are not suitable and still ensure that you are eating healthy. A good bit of effort into trying to make sure you are eating healthy is perfectly natural and a vegan lifestyle can certainly work well with this outlook.
Monday, May 11, 2015
Extreme Measures to be Vegan
Has the idea of becoming a Vegan ever crossed your mind? Many people have considered becoming Vegan in an effort to treat the environment better but it is not a lifestyle that is suitable for everyone. In order to actually get the biggest benefit out of becoming a Vegan it is very important that you actually enjoy the lifestyle, which can be very difficult if you are not used to eating so strictly. Trying to adapt to a Vegan lifestyle is not always easy, it will require a large amount of effort on your part, and if you are unwilling to make all of the changes it does not make you a bad person.
Knowing some of the requirements for being Vegan upfront is important. The biggest detractor for many people is the inability to eat any meats. For people who are used to consuming meat with each meal this can be a make it or break it issue. If you do not typically eat much meat presently, it might not be that difficult for you to give up all of the meat that you consume. If you really want to set yourself up for success it is a good idea to slowly cut back on the meat that you consume, however this is not always the most effective method to use.
Other extreme measures that Vegans adopt is not eating any products from animals at all. This includes eggs, milk, cheese and also things such as honey. Avoiding all of these foods can make it extremely complicated to go out to eat, but it certainly does not have to entirely limit your life. You will seldom find that becoming Vegan means you are completely unable to eat out at all. It will require a bit of additional thought before you select the restaurant that you visit, but with a little thought you will find that you can still have a social life even if you are a Vegan.
Another common complication is clothing. A Vegan is committed to avoiding all products that pertain to animals. This includes clothing as well which will prohibit you from wearing wool, silk and some other fabrics that are the product of animals. Taking the time to find clothing that is earth friendly is sometimes a bit more expensive but it is well worth the benefits for the environment. However, you need to very carefully read the labels for the exact materials that are used.
Becoming a Vegan is more than about just what you eat. It is an entire lifestyle that will compromise of not only what you eat, but also what you wear and the products that you use around your home. This is something that may take a bit of getting used to. Most people who are truly interested in being a Vegan find that simplifying their life a bit is extremely helpful and will also allow them to better handle all of the changes and adjustments that you need to make in order to actually enjoy a Vegan lifestyle.
The advantages of being Vegan are really enjoyable if you are truly committed. You should never force yourself to be Vegan if you are not interested in the lifestyle though. It will make it extremely difficult to actually follow through with the necessary changes. With a slow shift towards a Vegan lifestyle you will find that not only are all of the changes much easier to handle, but the changes will have a lasting effect rather than simply being another fad portion of your life. This will enable you to really make a lasting change in your life, instead of only making a change for a few days to simply go back to the typical lifestyle that you have known so much from previous. Even the small changes will help you to live a healthier lifestyle, even if they are not easy to do.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Eating Out While Vegan
While most people are fully aware that becoming a Vegan will require a large amount of dedication on their part there are many others who believe that there are no opportunities for them to eat out as a vegan. In reality this might seem true at first glance, but upon a deeper look, it is typically untrue that you will be unable to eat out. Dining out for social occasions and even the occasional quick meal is something that almost everyone alive is guilty of at some point. This leaves you with ample reasons to start looking for solutions before the restaurants are needed, rather than looking at the menu longing to dig into the first steak you can order.
The majority of restaurants are becoming much more aware of the desires of consumers. Just as vegetarianism is much more popular today, so are the reduced carbohydrate diets, low calorie diets and also the vegan diet. This means that going out to eat does not have to be an overly painful process. Typically, most restaurants will offer several different dining choices that can be easily tailored to your specific dietary needs.
If you are absolutely determined that you want to ensure that you are making the right decision it is very important to search for vegan friendly restaurants in advance. Choosing a few restaurants in advance will enable you to be certain that you are choosing to go to a friendly restaurant. Most though are quite happy to accommodate reasonable requests which would allow virtually any restaurant to become vegan friendly.
An important consideration is fast food restaurants. These are typically much harder to be vegan friendly due to the extremely limited menu options that are available. Because the majority of the menu has food items that are not permitted for the vegan diet it is often quite difficult to eat at these types of restaurants, however it is still possible if you are careful what you select. The easiest solution is to simply avoid fast food restaurants though and instead opt for a typical sit down restaurant so that you can actually enjoy your entire meal.
As you can see, there are several different ways that you can handle going out to eat. Regardless of whether you are on a date, or just going out to dinner with your family you do not have to stay at home all of the time simply because you are a vegan. Going out to eat can be a lot of fun, planning ahead will take much of the stress out of the equation as well which can improve the situation even further. Waiting around for a restaurant to open that is specifically vegan may not happen, which will leave you settling for a restaurant that does offer at least a limited vegan friendly menu.
Just be certain that you show appreciation for restaurants that do offer vegan foods. This will help you to be certain that you are getting all of the nutrients and enjoyment possible from each meal regardless of where you choose to eat. Staying home might be the cheapest solution, but it is no fun to have to wait to eat until you get home if everyone else is enjoying a delicious meal out somewhere. So take a bit of a breather and just enjoy going out and enjoying an evening on the town.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Disadvantages of Veganism – What Must be Avoided
While most people are quick to tout all of the benefits of Veganism, there are several key disadvantages that are quite common. Some people are able to overcome these disadvantages easily, while others struggle immensely with the needed changes. Everything that occurs within the Vegan lifestyle is typically working to improve the overall quality of life, which can make it extremely complicated to get the most stubborn people to actually change. Vegan is not a lifestyle, which will typically permit very small changes, such a diet would be similar to vegetarian but not something that Vegan quite permits.
For the people who have a difficulty accepting vegan there are several key reasons why the lifestyle tends to fail. It is not only difficult to find accurate information, but the changes that are required can be very unforgiving. Working to overcome these difficulties is possible, but it will require a large amount of effort, plus a great support network to help you through the difficult times.
The biggest problem that most people have is giving up meat. This includes all meat, beef, pork chicken, fish, lobster, shrimp and so forth. This also includes meat products such as hot dogs and other similar foods as well. There is no place for meat in a vegan diet at all, unlike some vegetarian diets that permit some small amounts of meat as long as they fit certain guidelines. For someone who is used to eating steak and cheeseburgers this can be a rather rude awakening and quite complicated to handle.
Another frequent disadvantage is the inability to eat dairy products. This includes milk, yogurt, cheese and even the beloved summer favorite ice cream. Many people have grown up with such foods their entire life and trying to give them up entirely can be extremely difficult. There are of course some alternatives such as rice milk but these are typically a bit more expensive, and does not have quite the same flavor that regular cow’s milk would provide.
Aside from giving up specific types of food, a true vegan there are some other disadvantages as well. Clothing and other items made from silk and even leather are not permitted. This is due to the animals that are used to create leather as well as the silkworm, which is used to create silk fabric. There are of course other products such as alligator skin and other similar materials that are not permitted as well. If you are a true fashion maven, this might be an extremely hard adjustment to make.
Regardless of how difficult it might seem to become a true vegan every year more people change over to the lifestyle. It is important to note that if the idea of becoming a vegan sounds exciting for a short period of time then it might not be the change that you are looking for. Not everyone is suited to be vegan, but some people find great success with a vegetarian lifestyle instead. Picking the best solution for your needs is very important so that you can make some changes that you are actually thrilled and pleased with. With this in mind, it is very important to avoid rushing into any decisions so that you are fully aware of all of the changes that will be required of you, rather than shocked once they occur.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Diets that are Similar to Veganism
The term Vegan probably sounds extremely familiar to you. This is a term that has been extremely commonly misused and has caused some concerns amongst people when it is time to determine which foods are suitable to be consumed with veganism and which are not. There are plenty of variations on the standard vegetarian, which is what most people assume Vegan is, but this is actually far from the truth. In order to really know the differences between vegan and the other commonly confused phrases you need to take some time to really understand each option.
Your first choice is of course Vegan, this is where there are no animal products consumed, nor are they used for clothing and other items. This is uniquely different because while many other diets restrict the consumption of meats, Vegan also restricts the consumption of foods such as milk, dairy, cheese, honey and any other food that originated from an animal, or animal products. This leaves Vegans eating foods such as fruits, vegetables and so on, with meats and other animal’s products being completely replaced.
Another popular choice is the standard vegetarian, most people commonly think of this lifestyle when they hear the phrase vegan. However, this is something that is completely different. In a vegetarian lifestyle there is still no meat consumed, however foods such as milk, honey and so forth are acceptable. This is typically the type of vegetarian that is considered when the term is spoken; however, it is far from the only type of vegetarianism.
Another type of vegetarianism is permitted to eat poultry but they do not consume red meat. This means it is not so difficult to maintain the standard eating habits with only very small modifications; however, it is still important to ensure that fish and other similar meats are avoided. There is a last type of vegetarianism that will permit the consumption of poultry as well as fish; however, this is one of the less common methods. As you can see, there are several different diets that are quite similar to vegan.
While it might seem as if a Vegan lifestyle is extremely easy to follow through with, it is actually a bit complicated and difficult to handle for many. Many people choose to switch to a vegetarian lifestyle first for this very reason. Because many people switch to a vegetarian diet before going to vegan it makes a wonderful starting place, which will allow people to slowly withdraw from the foods that they are used to eating.
It is important to realize though that none of these diets are perfectly suited for everybody. There are some people who find vegan an extremely difficult lifestyle to sustain, while others find even vegetarianism to be completely complicated. With a bit of planning ahead, as well as some careful patience selecting the right foods these are all diets that can be successfully followed. If you are concerned with making the most drastic change, then choosing to jump right into Vegan is extremely important to thoroughly think about before making the leap.
Remember, picking the right dietary style for your life is not always easy to do, you might need to spent a bit of time thoroughly considering all of your goals as well as what foods you typically eat so that you can really select the right diet for your needs. Simply jumping into a dietary style that is not properly suited for your needs or desires can be extremely stressful and is very much likely to create additional problems down the road. Working to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself is possible, and there are several great options but it is very important to ensure you select the right diet for you at the time when you are choosing, and of course you might decide later on to change to something completely different again as your needs change.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Benefits to Eating Vegan
With a large number of people being swept up into the ideas of a greener lifestyle it is no wonder that many people are turning Vegan as well. For the vast majority of people a Vegan lifestyle is aligned to going back to the old ways, which is also considered much healthier. If you are still not sure whether the idea of a Vegan lifestyle is perfect for you there are several things that you should thoroughly consider first. If you are just rushing out to get a healthy lifestyle without considering all of the benefits of eating Vegan you could be in for a rather alarming surprise.
Many people discover Vegan eating through their quest to eat healthier. By doing this it is possible to find a healthier lifestyle and ensure that you are getting the biggest benefits for not only yourself but also the environment. Many environmental groups claim that Vegan is the ultimate way to go green with your eating habits. In many ways, they are very correct and because of this, many people are turning to a Vegan lifestyle like never before. While many people might only claim to life a truly green lifestyle those who are eating Vegan as well are really living the lifestyle instead of just talking it.
Other benefits to eating Vegan is the decrease in blood sugar levels. This is something that is extremely beneficial for diabetics because it can substantially lower the need to use insulin and other medications to control blood sugar levels. However, if you are being treated by a doctor for any reason you should talk to your doctor before changing your diet significantly to ensure that you are getting all of the nutrients and benefits that you really need. Making changes without talking to your doctor could have devastating consequences and will only take a few minutes of your time to ensure that you stay as healthy as possible.
People who avoid eating meat are also often able to lose weight much faster. Many of the reasons for this is due to the increase in carbohydrates in vegetables as well as the decrease in calories and fats. Plus many of the fruits and vegetables that are common in a Vegan diet also assist in weight loss due to their negative calorie effect. While this is not a huge benefit for all people, it is something that can be a massive help if you are trying to lose weight. Of course, working to eat only fresh fruits and vegetables as opposed to highly processes foods will help to really maximize the negative calorie impact.
A Vegan diet also has a huge perk of providing a substantially lower fat content to your diet as well. Consuming excessive amounts of dairy products as well as meats tends to be closely accompanied by fat; by omitting substantial amounts of fat from your diet, you can make some substantial differences to not only our physical health, but also make great improvements to lower your weight. This can provide you with ample reasons to lower your intake of meat if you have been struggling to actually manage your weight.
A final benefit is that you are consuming far more carbohydrates on a Vegan diet. This has been considered good because it provides a great source of energy all during the day. Foods such as meats tend to be extremely low on carbohydrates, while being much higher on protein. While protein is an essential part of your diet it can take much longer to digest, which will allow you to pack on weight faster and have lower energy levels. If you are instead looking to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables that you consume you will find that your energy level will go up significantly. However, you should still ensure that you are consuming ample protein to fully protect your system and receive all of the nutrition that you need.
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Veganism and Pregnancy
Having a baby is a very exciting time in the lives of most people and trying to stay healthy is something that is at the forefront of most people’s minds. Trying to carry a successful pregnancy while following a vegan lifestyle might seem extremely difficult, but for the average woman who is healthy during pregnancy it is completely possible to do. However, there are a few considerations that you should take into account in order to obtain the best results possible.
The average woman going through a normal pregnancy has very few complications. Yet at the same time, this seems eerily like a wonderful dream that may not actually describe your situation. Most women have at least some mild problems during their pregnancy, which makes it a bit difficult to have the perfect smooth pregnancy that they have dreamed of. You are certainly not alone if you have experienced some complications, but if you are Vegan, it is very important to ensure that you are giving yourself, as well as your baby the nutrients that are needed.
It is vitally important that you tell your doctor that you are vegan when you first start seeking prenatal care. This will help your doctor to discuss your specific nutritional needs and also closely monitor you and your baby to be positive that you are getting the results that are needed. Many women are able to gain the proper amount of weight with no problems, however many others need assistance monitoring their weight to ensure that they gain enough weight while others need help to ensure they do not gain too much. There are plenty of ways that your doctor can help you, but without knowing your typical eating habits, it is virtually impossible to determine.
Talking the time necessary to write down all of the foods that you consume is extremely helpful as well. This will allow your doctor to quickly and easily see if there is anything that you should be eating that you are not presently eating. Additionally, taking a multi-vitamin is very important. This will help you to ensure that any deficiencies that you might have are actually resolved, rather than just ignored. Taking steps to ensure you stay in good health is much better than waiting until a problem develops to seek help as well, especially since your goal is ensuring that your baby stays healthy.
Unlike what you might think, it is not impossible to carry a baby to full term while consuming a vegan diet. You might need to devote a bit of additional effort to planning meals, but every year there are hundreds of successful vegan pregnancies. You too can join the women who begin and finish their pregnancies as a vegan and you are sure to be proud that you completed it as well. Trying to raise your baby as a vegan right from pregnancy is a great start for their life and can also provide some great benefits as well.
Taking the time to really discuss your dietary needs with your doctor is vital though to ensure that you remain healthy. Also, make sure that you are consuming enough calories to cover your needs as well as the needs of your baby. This will help you to ensure that your baby develops properly and you are not weak or lightheaded at times. This is not a problem that is exclusive to veganism though, rather it is a complication that can happen to women regardless of typical dietary habits.
Healthy babies are possible regardless of which diet you choose to follow. Talking to your doctor and ensuring that you are eating properly are all the basic steps that you need to follow which will be extremely effective in helping you achieve your goal of a happy and most importantly healthy baby. Skimping over vital nutrients is obviously not recommended regardless of which dietary method you are planning to follow and should be avoided at any costs possible.
Monday, April 6, 2015
Monday, March 23, 2015
What Really is Vegan?
There are so many different phrases and slang terms that are used to describe a healthier lifestyle that often it is virtually impossible to determine exactly what Vegan is and what it is not. In order to fully understand something it is vital that you be fully aware of what is expected and for many Vegan is just an insult if they are confused for some reason with another type of eating style.
The main difference between a Vegan lifestyle and that of a typical person mainly is the amount of meat eaten in a Vegan lifestyle. However, many people believe that vegetarians will still eat dairy products and other similar foods. While this is correct, it is a major difference between vegetarian and vegan. People who are true Vegans do not eat any animal related products, they do not encourage the consumption of animal related products and they also do not wear any animal related products. This would include items such as milk, yogurt, butter, eggs, leather clothing and also anything that can cause harm to animals during production.
Many people mistakenly believe that Vegetarianism and Veganism are the exact same thing. However, those who are vegetarian will consume animal related products such as eggs, milk, dairy, yogurt and other similar foods that do not particular cause the animals life to be in danger. Foods such as meat are still avoided though. This is a significant difference from Vegan’s who do not consume such foods. In order to really determine which type of lifestyle is best for you and your family, you would need to look over your typical eating habits. Many people discover that Vegan is something that is far too strict for them to abide by on a normal basis and instead opt for a vegetarian lifestyle instead.
Choosing to live a Vegan lifestyle is not always easy. It can make things a bit complicated when it is time to plan meals, as well as will typically involve a bit more planning ahead since you will not be able to easily pull everything for meals straight from the freezer. While it is still possible to use some frozen foods in the Vegan lifestyle, many fruits and vegetables simply do not taste the same once they have been frozen. If this is a problem that you are encountering it may be necessary to invest some money into planting a garden that you can use to obtain many of your foods so that they will always be fresh.
It is not necessary under any circumstances to think that you absolutely must take the time to grow a massive garden as well. Many people work with only a small garden growing a very limited supply and quantity of foods until they are able to devote more space to their homegrown foods. What becomes a frequent problem is many people do not realize that they really can start their garden with only a small supply. If you wait until you have the room to add a massive garden you will be severely discounting many of the delicious benefits that really are possible to achieve.
By making some small steps and changes to your lifestyle you might find that working on a vegetarian lifestyle is much easier for you to handle initially. This can make a great starting point when you are working to move to a healthier vegan lifestyle for your entire family. If you are busy trying to ensure that you are fully aware of all of the benefits then knowing all of the differences between vegetarianism and veganism is very important. Working to improve your health as much as possible is extremely important and really is possible as long as you take the time to really study your options. A healthy lifestyle is possible, even if you are not comfortable with the idea of converting over to an entirely vegan way of life.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Do you Know that You are what you eat
I know for a fact you have heard the expression many times, “You are what you eat.” Have you ever really sat back and thought about what it really means? And do you think about it when you’re making your food selections?
In some ways, we do become what we eat, literally. Have you ever seen an example of your blood plasma after eating a fast food sandwich? What was previously a clear liquid becomes cloudy with the fat and cholesterol that’s absorbed from eating a high-fat burger.
And when you think about it, we also become what we don’t eat. When we switch from eating meat to a vegetarian-based diet, we become less fat, less prone to many types of cancers. Our cholesterol can improve. When we’re leaner and eating fewer animal products, then many other health and fitness issues are reduced. The incidence of Type II diabetes is reduced. Blood pressure falls into normal ranges. When you’re healthier, you’re taking fewer medications. Even if you have a prescription drug benefit in your health plan, you’re still saving money with fewer co-payments on medications.
If you have a family history of high cholesterol or high blood pressure, then it’s particularly incumbent on you to revise your eating habits. Moving towards a more vegetarian diet has been shown statistically to reduce the incidence of so many of the diseases of industrialized countries. Vegetarians are statistically healthier than omnivorous persons; they’re leaner and live longer.
You should take the time to think about what you want to be and eat accordingly? Do you want to be sluggish and fat? Do you want the risk that goes with eating animal products, with their high fat content? Or do you want to look like and be what vegetarians are? Leaner and fitter with a longer anticipated lifespan. It’s never too late to change what you’re doing and increase your chances for a longer, fitter life.
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